
Are you a hotel buffet bandit?

Last week, on a Swedish train somewhere between Linkoping and Mjolby, as I struggled to open a bag of cheesy doofers that was to serve as my lunch, my travel companions began unwrapping their own picnics. Some, like me, had made hasty and…
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Tourism: Where is Goa headed?

As far as hospitality goes, the state has a varied mix, from five and seven star hotels, to home stays to cook-on-the-footpath. This all embracing policy, if it can be called that, has succeeded in drawing nearly six million guests to the stat…
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Keep Michelin men out of our hotels!

It’s probably escaped most people’s attention, what with the football, the election, the Ukraine war, the horrors of Gaza, the assassination attempt and the revelation that the most powerful human on the planet has the intellectual sharpness of a…
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