Pilot handcuffed and detained after FBI and army break into the wrong hotel room

International news
The FBI and the U.S. army captured an innocent Delta Airlines pilot - who was not the intended target - in a training exercise gone wrong in Boston.

The man in his 30s - who had no idea what was happening - is reported to have been sleeping at the time.

After hearing commotion outside his room at the Revere Hotel in Stuart Street in the early hours of Wednesday, he opened the door only to be detained and handcuffed. He was interrogated and held in the shower for nearly an hour, before the error was realised.

The FBI said its Boston division has been assisting the US department of defence in carrying out a training exercise for its agents.

The objective was to "simulate a situation their personnel might encounter in a deployed environment", but due to a "miscommunication", the team ended up at the wrong hotel room.

Agents apologised, but hotel security was informed of the mix up and subsequently contacted the Boston police.

A Boston police incident report said officers were called to the scene at approximately 12:20am on Wednesday 4 April and confirmed that the agents were indeed conducting a training exercise.